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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Choose Perfume for Yourself

The division of fragrances according to hair and skin types is no longer valid mainly because of changes in our everyday diet which has become varied. Therefore, every woman may choose perfume she likes and wants to wear following her intuition, taste and personality. The only test she should do to find out if she likes the scent or not is to spray a bit of perfume on her skin.

Do not decide to buy the best-known brand of perfume or the one which is "on top" at the moment. This may not be a good idea at all.

To make a good choice, you should go to the perfumery early in the morning when you can smell things better. However, if you have a cold or you are tired, you should put off your visit till another day.

Try perfume on clean, non-perfumed skin. During one test you should try only up to three different fragrances because your nose will not be able to recognize more scents.

Do not smell the top of the bottle or its cap because the scent you smell is not the real one. You may smell an odor of alcohol instead. You should not also try perfume on the piece of paper but on your skin.

When you spray perfume on your skin for the first time, wait for about thirty seconds until alcohol evaporates. Then you will be able to find out what the top notes of perfume are. The top notes are highly volatile, evaporate quickly and do not last very long. The Base notes have a profound influence on the blend. They are very long lasting (come out 20 minutes to 2 hours later) and at the same time, fix other essences.

If you have already decides which perfume to choose, buy the smallest bottle of it. The expiring date of perfumes is usually up to three years from the manufacturing date. Even if you do not use your perfumes often, they may change.

Different fragrances are suitable for different age groups or for different occasions. For example, for a young woman green scents are more suitable than oriental ones. But for the evening meetings or dates you should wear heavier, more sensuous types rather then light ones which, in turn, are suitable for daylight use.

Fresh perfumes are refreshing in summertime while sweet and spicy fragrances can make you happy when the winter comes.

10 Tips About Perfume and Fragrances

Here are 10 tips for the fragrance lover, to make sure you can make the most out of your perfume.

1. About testing perfumes: Spray the fragrance onto the tester paper and place it 1 foot away from yourself, and then fan it gently.

2. About testing perfumes: Spray the fragrance up into the air above you, and when the mist falls, inhale deeply and feel the first feeling this fragrance gives you.

3. About testing perfumes: Spray the fragrance on your wrists, and see how when in contact with your pulse and body warmth, the perfume changes. See how long-lasting and stable the fragrance is.

4. About testing perfumes: Spray the fragrance onto a handkerchief to test how it would smell like on fabric.

5. Don't apply perfume behind your ears, as it will be easy for it to mix with the secretions of your skin and form a strange smell.

6. Don't apply perfume between your breasts, as this will make it easy to form bumps and pimples.

7. Don't apply perfume in your arm pits, because when this perfume without the effect of deodorants and anti-perspirants, it will also form a strange smell when in contact with perspiration.

8. During daytime, apply perfume on your wrists, joints on your legs and above your tummy.

9. At night, apply perfume on the back of your neck.

(The above two tips are to avoid the reaction between UV rays and perfume forming allergies or damaging the skin.)

10. Don't spray fragrances onto light-coloured clothing, as this will yellow the fabric.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cool Water Cologne by Davidoff for Men

Gift Set - 4.2 oz Eau De Toilette Spray + 2.5 oz After Shave Balm + 2.5 oz
Shower Gel

Price RM 200

Dunhill 51.3 N Smell of success

Smell of success

We've sniffed out the best scents to suit every olfactory palate

Dunhill has launched 51.3 N, a new fragrance for men named for the latitude of London:

Soaring high. Bank into the blue. A glider grazes the clouds as the ground drops away. The speed is exhilarating, yet the soundlessness of the flight is calming and the course is set – the latitude is 51.3 N and the destination is London. The fragrance is distinctively dunhill. Masculine, confident, highly innovative yet essentially elegant.

This contemporary take on the spirit of adventure is perfectly reflected by dunhill’s new fragrance, 51.3 N and sensationally communicated by the image of gliding. This most British of sports offers a taste of awe-inspiring freedom, where courage meets contemplation and drama meets discipline.

51.3 N features notes of crispy rhubarb, grapefruit, ozone accord, pink and black pepper, lavender, cedar leaf, sandalwood and vanilla.

Dunhill 51.3 N is available in 30, 50 and 100 ml Eau de Toilette and in matching grooming products. It is currently exclusive to Harrods in the UK. (via press release from Harrods)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hukum ‘Perfume' Alkohol


Jawapan seperti berikut :-

1) Harus dan sah solat, walaupun menggunakan minyak wangi beralkohol. Ini kerana bukan semua alkohol adalah najis. Para Ulama menyebut alkohol najis berdasarkan hadith nabi yang memberi isyarat bahawa arak itu najis. Ia diambil dari ayat al-Quran yang menyebut :

"Arak, tenung dan tilik nasib, lemparan kayu nasib adalah kekotoran ('rijs') dari hasil kerja Syaitan " (Al-Maidah; 90).

Dan dari hadith oleh Abu Tha`laba al-Khushani di dalam sohih al-Bukhari dan Muslim:

"Wahai Nabi Allah, kami tinggal di tanah Ahli Kitab, bolehkah kami makan & minum di dalam bekas mereka?" Nabi membalas : "Sekiranya kamu mendapati bekas selain bekasan mereka, maka jangan menggunakannya, sekiranya kamu gagal mendapatkan selainnya, maka hendaklah kamu basuh bekas itu dahulu dan kemudian makanlah menggunakannya "

Imam An-Nawawi (Syarah Sohih Muslim 13/14:86) dan Imam As-Shawkani ( Naylul Awtar, 1/71) menyebut "Maksud larangan makan menggunakan bekas-bekas mereka menunjukkan apa yang mereka masak dan minum menggunakan arak adalah kernana ia dihukum sebagai najis"

Hasilnya kesemua ulama empat mazhab sebelum itu pun telah menyebut bahawa arak adalah Najis.

1) Mazhab Hanafi, menurut kitab al-Fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh (6/158) menyebut bahawa jika terdapat setitik arak sebesar syiling di baju seseorang, maka solatnya menjadi batal.

2) Mazhab Maliki, disebut oleh Ibn Rushd dalam Bidayat al-mujtahid (2/125); "Tiada satu jenis pun dari alkohol, bangkai dan najis boleh digunakan kecuali untuk tujuan perubatan"

3) Mazhab Shafi`i, arak disebut najis sebagaimana disebut oleh Imam An-nawawi di dalam al-Majmu` 2/569-570 (dipetik dari Imam al-Ghazali);

4) Demikian juga menurut mazhab Hanbali ( Ibn Quddama, al-Mughni, 9/152).

Benar 70 % atau lebih dalam arak adalah alkohol, tetapi ia jenis "Denatured alcohol" yang telah diproses untuk tujuan memberikan kemabukkan. Sila rujuk Denatured Alcohol . Adapun, alkohol yang ada di dalam minyak wangi adalah bukan jenis ethanol yang sama dengan apa yang ada di dalam arak, ia menggunakan ‘Absolute ethanol' iaitu satu jenis alkohol dengan hanya sedikit air dan campuran lain (maka kesannya juga berbeza dari kesan arak, malah ia tidak lagi digelar arak, barangsiapa yang meminumnya pula, ia mungkin boleh membawa seseorang itu ke alam barzakh dengan segera ! dan bukannya mabuk.

Kesimpulannya, menggunakan minyak wangi beralkohol adalah dikira suci dan tidak menjejaskan solat seseorang. Itulah pendapat saya berdasarkan hujjah di atas dan demikian juga pandangan yang diberi oleh guru-guru saya seperti Prof. Dr Abd Fatah Idris melalui kitabnya dan Syeikh Prof Dr Fadhal Hassan Abbas melalui kuliahnya.


Cuma sumber yang menyatakannya adalah masih tidak kukuh dan saya tidak menumpukan kajian terhadap hal babi dalam minyak wangi. jawapan saya hanya menumpukan isu hukum alkohol.

Credit to: www.zaharuddin.net

Introducing Roadster : Cartier Fragrance For Men


Cartier is launching their first fragrance for Men in over 10 years. Roadster watch is the inspiration for this fragrance aptly called ROADSTER, will officially debut nationwide on September 1st..


Roadster uses a mineral fougère with notes of bergamot, mint, patchouli and vanilla as the very essence of its male perfumery. The fragrance’s masculine glass sculptured bottle is inspired by the car and watch making universes.


Find Roadster in Cartier boutiques and Bloomingdale’s store. $105 for a 3.3 fl oz. bottle.

The bottle is very interesting huh?

Price RM 180 = 50 ml, RM 250 = 100 ml

Friday, November 6, 2009

Giorgio Armani Emporio Remix He Cologne

Giorgio Armani Remix Him“Giorgio Armani Per­fum­e” Giorgio Armani r­em­ai­n­s­ a fas­hi­on­ designer b­es­t kn­own­ for­ the b­us­i­n­es­s­ s­ui­ts­ that car­r­y hi­s­ n­am­e. He has­ all s­or­ts­ of b­us­i­n­es­s­ v­en­tur­es­ fr­om­ b­outi­ques­ an­d­ j­ean­s­ to hom­e collecti­on­s­ an­d­ clothi­n­g li­n­es­. He als­o has­ a li­n­e of fragrances­. The Giorgio Armani s­tyle i­s­ on­e of luxur­i­ous­ an­d­ s­ed­ucti­v­e elegan­ce. On­e of thes­e b­r­an­d­s­ that he’s­ cr­eated­ i­s­ called­ . The b­r­an­d­ of Em­por­i­o Ar­mani­ d­eals­ wi­th r­ead­y-to-wear­ clothi­n­g, s­un­glas­s­es­, fragrances­, watches­, an­d­ acces­s­or­i­es­. The Em­por­i­o Ar­mani­ i­s­ the m­as­s­ pr­od­uced­ v­er­s­i­on­ of the Ar­mani­ cus­tom­ li­n­e. I­t’s­ s­peci­fi­cally tar­geted­ to youn­ger­ people who m­ay hav­e fewer­ b­ucks­ to s­pen­d­. I­t d­oes­ offer­ s­om­e hi­gher­ en­d­ pr­od­ucts­ li­ke Ar­mani­ J­ean­s­, b­ut i­s­ n­ot haute coutur­e. You can­ often­ fi­n­d­ Em­por­i­o Ar­mani­ b­r­an­d­ n­am­e pr­od­ucts­ at hi­gh-en­d­ d­epar­tm­en­t s­tor­es­.

Thi­s­ fragrance i­s­ clas­s­i­fi­ed­ as­ a fouger­e. I­t i­s­ a hi­gh-power­ed­ an­d­ d­yn­am­i­c scent that was­ i­n­s­pi­r­ed­ b­y the Fall-Wi­n­ter­ collecti­on­, whi­ch featur­ed­ the color­s­ of m­i­d­n­i­ght b­lue for­ hi­m­. The packagi­n­g an­d­ m­ar­keti­n­g ev­okes­ a n­i­ght at the local d­i­s­cothèque, wi­th m­i­d­n­i­ght b­lue packagi­n­g an­d­ electr­i­fyi­n­g s­i­lv­er­ wr­i­ti­n­g on­ the b­ottle. The top n­otes­ ar­e: b­as­i­l, car­d­am­om­, an­d­ b­er­gam­ot. The m­i­d­d­le n­otes­ ar­e: li­ly of the v­alley an­d­ m­ace. The low n­otes­ ar­e: v­eti­v­er­, li­cor­i­ce, an­d­ whi­te m­us­k. The r­es­ult i­s­ a r­em­i­x that i­s­ d­i­s­ti­n­ctly m­as­culi­n­e wi­th a s­weet an­d­ fr­es­h twi­s­t.

Giorgio Armani Em­por­i­o als­o cr­eated­ a m­atchi­n­g R­em­i­x S­he for­ wom­en­. The i­d­ea was­ to pai­r­ the two fragrances­ for­ a wi­ld­ n­i­ght out on­ the town­. The woman’s­ fragrance took the electr­i­c lav­en­d­er­ color­ of the Fall-Wi­n­ter­ collecti­on­ as­ i­ts­ b­as­e too. The two scents­ ar­e s­ai­d­ to b­e a d­uo that d­an­ce together­ v­er­y n­i­cely. I­t m­akes­ a lov­ely an­d­ en­ter­tai­n­i­n­g couples­ gi­ft, for­ thos­e of us­ who wan­t to s­pen­d­ a n­i­ght on­ the town­.